Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Top 10 "Curryisms"

Absolutely awesome list from this month's GSU Magazine:

Football is just life marked off in 100 yards. - Bill Badgett

Bill Badgett, my high school football coach, taught me football's greatest lesson of all.

Never mistake kindness for weakness. - Bart Starr

Bart Starr combines those assumed mutually exclusive attributes better than anyone I know.

There are two pains - the pain of discipline and the pain of regret. One is temporary. The other lasts forever. - Bill Curry

All the lessons of the competitive crucible are bound up in this simple statement.

Talk's cheap. Let's go play. - John Unitas

Unitas deadpanned this same line before each Colts game.

Life is filled with difficulty ... and the overcoming of it. - Helen Keller

This lady destroys every excuse any of us has ever invented to justify self pity and laziness.

Winning is not the most important thing. It is the only thing. - Vince Lombardi

Lombardi explained that while winning was not the most important thing, the will to win was indeed the only motivating factor in life's most demanding circumstances.

A champion has singleness of purpose; is unselfish; is tough; is prepared; and never quits ... never. - Bill Curry

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and others inspired me to dig into the lore of championship living.

Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Goethe's succinct progression is powerful in its saying, far more powerful in its practice.

Practice does not make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect. - Chuck Knox

The Los Angeles Rams coach provided pointed, memorable lessons at every team meeting.

Unexpected, undeserved, unrewarded acts of human kindness change lives .. every time. Their effects are undeniable. - Bill Curry

A simple 10-minute conversation with the finest leader and football player I ever knew - Willie Davis - changed the way I looked at people, all people.

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