Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday Quick Hitters - 9.13.10

The Football Team Has Day Off: "Team can re-focus and recooperate."  The task will be great Saturday.  Gotta hit it hard on Tuesday.
Bobby Bowden in town today and tomorrow gives CBC and the Panthers a shout: Thanks to Ken Sugiura.  AJC Link

"Q: What did you think about Bill Curry going back into coaching at Georgia State?
A: I don't think that Georgia State could have hired a guy more capable than Bill Curry. The guy has coached under all situations and at all levels and I think they're very fortunate to have Bill.

I was so happy when I saw that he won his first ballgame. I think he lost last week. I'm amazed that the first year, they can win any. I know this. Bill is so thorough in what he does. He always has been. He's always been a detail man. They're fortunate to have him and he'll do the best he can do, whatever that is.
AJC: Know Your Panthers - Kelton Hill: AJC Video Link 
Out 2 game average attendance is 21,442.  Invite more people to the game (I'll have a total of 7 people with me including my wife, my daughter, my boss, his wife and his 2 boys).  Don't be upset at the lack of fans, do what you can to help spread the word.  That is all.
Homecoming Info Beginning to formulate: GSU Homepage Link 
GSU v. JSU Writeup: GSU Sports Link  
Game Notes for JSU: GSU Sports Link 
The Collective Winning Swine Flu this weekend: SB Nation Link Lines Get Whipped: Examiner Link 

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